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Adulting & Living Life

Dear friends,

Hello all! I know it's been a while, so I apologize. As we all know, life can get crazy sometimes, and recently, mine has been crazy, but in the best way possble. I've been adulting, working, and living life, and I hope whoever is reading this has been having as good a time as me. Read on for some insight into my life and some wisdom from yours truly.

This summer, I am doing an internship in South Carolina as part of my Master's of Science in Human Resources Management degree, where the experiences, growth, and learning I've had has been OFF THE CHARTS. I know I have found my calling, and I've been loving every minute of my work and life. Meeting new people, solving problems, boosting diversity and inclusion, and being strategic are all part of my job, and it just makes me so happy!

A year ago, I never would have thought that I'd be living halfway across the country from the place I called home for over 20 years, but look at me now! I've embraced the change, and my mindset on life and growth has been altered forever.

Let me just say, don't shut down opportunities before you take a chance at making a decision that could change your life for the better. You never know what could be behind that door, so why not open it? Take a chance on life, and you might just find out that it's the best thing you could have imagined. Rewards don't come without risks, so at some point, you have to take a chance and just go for it. Whether that be a new job, moving to a new place, trying something you've never done before, or even switching majors...

Oftentimes, I think about what my life would be like now if I had listened to others instead of my heart and stayed in engineering. It would be so different, and not in the good way. I would be doing something completely different, and when I talk to the engineering interns at my job, I know that I would be in a whole other world, and not the world I would want to be in. So to all the haters who doubted my choice of switching majors, look at me now! I know that I would not be near as happy, and work would be a struggle every day. So, I am forever grateful to myself and those who supported me in making the best decision I could have ever made.

Obviously, engineering taught me a lot of valuable lessons, but I think the most valuable lesson out of the whole experience was realizing that it wasn't for me and that trusting yourself is important. I had to try it to see that it wouldn't make me happy, and I don't think I'd be making others happy either.

If you are at a crossroads in life, and you're not sure what to do, follow your heart and listen to yourself. You will always know what's best for yourself, more than what anyone else can tell you. And, if you're searching for answers from those around you, take it with a grain of salt. Only you can know deep down what is the right path for you to follow.

In my off time, I've been traveling and having a blast, as you can tell by the pictures on this post :) Luckily, family and friends have been able to visit, and I've shown them what I've been loving so much about South Carolina! I've seen Charleston (more than once), Myrtle Beach, all over Columbia, Kiawah Island, Isle of Palms, Asheville, and I'm still adding more places to the list!

Adulting is no joke, but I've learned to take the wins with the losses and treasure every moment. Life is never guaranteed, so I try to look at any negatives with a different lens, a more positive lens. Without trials, the successes wouldn't feel so good, and I definitely deal with my fair share of trials, even though I always try to keep a smile on my face. Change and growth can be uncomfortable at times, but at the end, you will always be a stronger, more resilient person.

Being alone can be scary, but through this experience, I've learned more about myself and formed friendships that I will carry with me for the rest of my life. If this is a trial for adult life, I am excited to see what the rest has in store.

I say all this because you only get one life. One chance. So, you may as well make the best of it.

Until next time...



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