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COVID-19: Reducing Stress, Managing Anxiety, & Coping with Fear

Updated: Apr 13, 2020

Dear friends,

I write to you in a time of uncertainty of the future, fear of the present, and questioning of the past, but I implore you to focus on one thing: healing your mind and body while doing what you can to protect those around you.

Due to the massive outbreak of COVID-19 all over the world, many places in many countries have begun to enforce quarantining, public business shutdowns, social-distancing requirements, and more. Of course, viruses (even coronaviruses) have been known to mankind for hundreds---some even thousands---of years, however this time there's no doubt that it's different.

With the outcry of mass media, virus propaganda, government/elitist conspiracy theories, and so much more relaying of toxic information to thousands of people, no wonder the world is in an ocean of panic and mass hysteria. Sheeple are everywhere nowadays (LOL)!

For now, I worry about those who suffer from mental health issues, because they are part of the vulnerable population too. Social-distancing and social isolation can be very triggering for those who suffer from depression and other forms of mental illness. Also, the disruption of routine and lack of control in this pandemic situation is the perfect catalyst for disruption in those with OCD, ADD/ADHD, bipolar disorder, anxiety and more.

I know I always preach about taking care of your mind and body, but now it's even more important. Below I am going to list some tips to help those with and without mental illness get through this COVID-19 outbreak.

Tips for Getting Through Quarantine/Social-distancing:

1. Prioritize your mental health & physical well-being. Whether that means praying, taking a walk, meditating (which I highly recommend), eating healthy, or anything else that keeps your mind and soul healthy. Check on your emotions regularly. If you ever start to feel depressed or your emotions start inhibiting your daily life, don't hesitate to reach out to a trusted friend or loved one---these times are hard on everyone, I think they'd understand.

2. Don't read the news too often. I know it's easier said than done (I find it very hard to stay off my "News App" during situations like these). However, it's better to focus on the things you can control instead of the things you can't, and unfortunately, COVID-19 is one of those things you can't control. So, limit your exposure to the news, because a lot of it is fake or blown up anyways. Also, always cross-examine, do extra research, and listen to reliable sources---no one likes a "know-it-all" who doesn't know anything.

3. Spend extra time with your kiddos, your siblings, loved ones, or simply yourself. Extra downtime doesn't come around that often for a lot of us, so when we get it, appreciate it and use it to your advantage---especially when it involves extra family time.

4. Pick up a new hobby, hop on that home renovation project you've been pushing away, finish that painting you started 2 months ago, exercise, try a new recipe, learn a language, start journaling, write a book, or whatever else you can think of to stay occupied. I promise you, you can think of something. This is one of the best times to harness your creativity and actually have the time to do something with it!

5. Plan out your days to iterate a routine like schedule! Start with meals, things you have to do, work, etc., and then fill in your spare time with "free-time" activities like poetry, reading a good book, or whatever else you desire. This is especially helpful for those with anxiety, autism, and ADHD/ADD.

6. Don't forget to breathe, relax, and smile, because bad things always come and go. It's a part of life, and as soon as we accept that, things will be a whole lot easier for the world.

7. Spread kindness, not selfishness. I know it's easy to get caught up in what everyone else is doing but chose to do the right thing. No, you don't need ten packages of toilet paper when the old lady next to you doesn't have any.

On the last note, I pray that this all goes away soon. I hope all of you stay safe and healthy from any illnesses. And, I wish that everyone remembers how important it is to take care of your mind, body, and soul during times like these. Don't forget to take a deep breath, relax, and wash your hands. Until next time...



P.S. I am attaching links that offer other advice on coping with social-distancing, quarantine, etc.! Enjoy!

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