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How to Get the Most Out of Online School

Dear friends,

First, I'd like to say that I'm always a little nervous for school to start back up. However, this go around it's different, maybe more intense as well. Last semester, school ended abruptly, and it wasn't planned, so we were all forced to adapt quickly---I think that made it a bit difficult, but also easier to deal with in a way. This time, the semester is supposedly "planned", but there are still so many unknowns. Also, I know a lot of people's mental health has already suffered tremendously due to the past 9 months, and even to this day. Not knowing is hard for those who have anxiety, and other mental illnesses. For me, I like to have control. For this upcoming semester, I feel like I have no sense of knowing or control, and it's one of my biggest struggles. I always say "don't worry about the things you can't control", because I like/need those constant reminders for myself, and I know a lot of people struggle with the same problem and could use the reminder as well.

With a majority of my classes being online this next semester (and a lot of students around the country), I thought it would benefit others and myself to come up with a game plan for getting the most out of my education. I realize that every part of the country (and the world for that matter) are in different stages of opening/combating/recovering from the pandemic. And, I know that some schools are being opened, some are doing a combination of in-person and online classes, and some are only doing in person. Whatever it may be, if you are taking online classes and you're not used to the format and challenges that come along with it, then keep reading for some advice, recommendations, tips, and tricks for getting the most out of your education. Even if you aren't doing online classes, these tips could help you.


***DISCLAIMER***: By the way, I've taken numerous online courses and have passed all of them, most of them with flying colors. These are all recommendations and some tips may not work for everyone. I suggest trying out several, or some of the ones you think might work best for you. Everyone is different, and you know yourself better than I do at this point,

Getting the Most Out of Online School:

  • Stick to a schedule. I read an article the other day that said scheduling can be good for anyone's health because it can subtract stress and strain from everyday life. Having a planner that you write your "to-do's" in can really be a lifesaver and take extra worries off your mind. Also, it'll keep you organized and on top of your assignments. This can really help anyone, but especially those with autism, anxiety, ADD, etc.

  • Don't procrastinate. Taking classes online may give you more freedom for when you can do what, but it also gives you more room to mess around and goof off. Don't do that, because you'll regret it in the long run. I like to knock out the easiest things first, but I also recommend working on harder projects a little bit at a time so you don't get overwhelmed/frustrated. Not being face-to-face with your professors/teachers can be difficult when questions/problems arise when working on your assignments, so it's a good idea to start early. You don't want to be asking an important question about a paper the day before it's due. That looks sloppy, and it can make you look bad as well.

  • Take a break when you need one. Sitting at home doing online classes for hours at a time can be a hard task to accomplish. By giving yourself breaks, you'll be able to recharge mentally and physically. If you need to stretch, do it. Take a walk outside if you've been working for a while or if you find yourself zoning out. Quality over quantity is a real thing. You'll be able to stay focused better and retain more information if you keep yourself refreshed and your senses energized. Short frequent breaks have also been shown to increase productivity and reduce stress, so it's a win-win!

  • Stay organized. It's way easier to get things done when you know where everything is located, when which assignments are due, etc. By staying organized, you'll be able to take some extra stress out of your life.

  • Don't be afraid to reach out to your professors, teachers, counselors, or mentors when you feel like you need help. There's no reason to feel inadequate, embarrassed, or ashamed for asking for help, and I can guarantee whoever is helping you get an education wants you to succeed as much as you do. They'd probably prefer you to get help as soon as possible, to be honest.

  • Maintain a proper sleeping schedule. I know I've talked about this before, but not getting proper sleep has LITERALLY been linked to cancer. If you don't already have a good sleep schedule, you should make that your goal and be working towards it. The average child needs 8-12 hours of sleep per day and the average adult needs 7-9 hours of sleep per day. This is seriously so important, and online school should not be an excuse to have an improper sleep schedule. Please realize that. I used to have the worst sleep schedule, and it really had an effect on my physical and mental health. Now that my sleep schedule is pretty consistent, I feel soooooo much better. Insomnia used to be a big problem for me, and it still is every now and then. It's actually really common for a lot of people Click this link for some tips to fight it!

Also, there are so many more tips and tricks out there that can help with any type of schooling (including online). These are just a few dedicated to online classes (although they can also help with in-person classes), and I thought they'd be a good starting point for kicking butt in school this next semester (and even beyond).

As always, keep smiling, and remember that there's always a light at the tunnel, even if it's a little foggy right now. Do something today that makes you happy, and don't forget to treat yourself every now and then. Until next time...




my face when I realize school starts back up again in two weeks even though I finished summer school two days ago...


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